Enrolling Studies

Check out our currently enrolling studies in the table below. Use the filter options to find a study that interests you and click on "Details" below the study name to learn more.

  • Therapeutic Studies - Studies that focus on the treatment of diseases.
  • FDA-Approved Vaccine Studies - Studies that involve vaccines that have already been FDA approved.
  • Observational/Behavioral Studies - Studies that focus on sample/data collection only and do NOT involve drug or vaccine administration.
  • Experimental Vaccine Studies - Studies that test vaccines that are currently seeking licensure/FDA approval.
  • Challenge Studies - Studies that involve controlled human infections. Challenge studies include an inpatient hospital stay with study doctor oversight.

Don't see a study you're interested in? Check this page regularly, as we add new enrolling studies each month or reach out to our recruitment team at vaccine@emory.edu to be contacted for future studies as they become available.

Currently Enrolling Studies

Filter By
Clinical Trial NameAgesTypes of StudyPathogens Studied
HIV Vaccine Study (For People Living with HIV)
Experimental Vaccine Studies HIV Studies
HIV Vaccine/ Prevention Study (For People who are HIV -)
Experimental Vaccine Studies HIV Studies
CFAR Biopsy Study
Observational/Behavioral Studies Sexual Health Studies
The SHARE Study
18-49 Observational/Behavioral Studies Sexual Health Studies
RevUp (HPTN 106)
18-49 Observational/Behavioral Studies Sexual Health Studies
Diet and Inflammation Study (PROFID)
18-49 Observational/Behavioral Studies Other Studies
Tissue Sampling Study
Observational/Behavioral Studies Other Studies